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Interview with Street Art Guide Amanda Greatorex

Designer, DJ, Writer and Mum, Amanda Greatorex has lived in East Dulwich for 20 years and has been involved in the Dulwich Festival for over a decade.

This year, Amanda will  be returning to lead the Street Art Walks on the 12th and 13th May, a subject very close to her heart ever since she took over the role from  Dulwich Picture Gallery (DPG) teacher and founder of the Dulwich Outdoor Gallery, the late Ingrid Beazley.

Why did you take on the Street Art Walks?

Ingrid knew she wasn’t going to be around much longer, I was round a few times giving some relaxing sound healing therapy sessions when I wondered who would lead the street art walks, she said “you can do it Amanda!”

What was the inspiration behind Ingrid Beazley’s Outdoor Gallery?

Ingrid was always trying to find ways to get people into the gallery by organising various events, but this outdoor gallery has introduced people to the gallery collection via these modern interpretations of the artworks  – a free outside setting open to everyone.

She hoped that once the public had seen the Street Art, they would then be more likely to go into the Dulwich Picture Gallery to see the inspiration behind the art. Painting on walls isn’t’ a new thing, look at Aboriginal art, handprints and marks on walls, Ingrid wanted to bring art to everybody so that everyone could share the story experience. She wanted the local community to be able to appreciate art free of charge and for it to be open all hours and to be seen whether shopping, commuting or going to the pub.

Tell me about the creative process behind the Street Art

Ingrid had met with renowned street artist, Stik and suggested that he and other well known artists reinvent the Baroque paintings at the DPG. Stik said ‘Find me some walls and I’ll paint them’ and Ingrid did exactly that around the Dulwich area. You don’t usually give street artists a brief, their work is usually a quick spray job, however the artists rose to the unusual challenge and each used their own individual technique and style to reinvent the Baroque painting of their choice.  Their work was given justice. The Street Art in Dulwich is a collection of art work of random styles and sizes just like inside the DPG. However, unlike the Baroque paintings they are on view 24 hours a day and are non-elitist and not precious.

Street Art is not something you would perhaps immediately associate with Dulwich, particularly the village, which has its roots firmly set within tradition, what were the locals reactions to it?

People generally love it. Local neighbours trusted Ingrid’s judgement. It’s made the area incredibly cool and celebrated and very much part of a community.

The local Street Art has also inspired you to get your own creative juices flowing hasn’t it?

I took some pictures of the Street Art on my Cannon and endorsed by Ingrid’s family, I’ve printed them onto canvasses. I’m exhibiting them throughout the summer at Jade’s Boulangerie on Lordship Lane, where they can be purchased.

Why are you so passionate about the Dulwich Festival?

I believe it opens doors and brings the community together. There are so many creative  people in Dulwich and more moving in because it is such a hub of creativity. The Street Art in particular has set a precedent, it’s of such a high standard.

Walks 12th May and 13 May 2:00pm. Tickets available in advance