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Festival Children’s Art Competition Results 2020

This year the Dulwich Festival Children’s Art Competition went online for the first time; an apt year to go online given the theme was ‘sustainability’.  The Festival team had begun to look more deeply at ways to reduce our carbon footprint and with the rise in demands from young people across the world for governments to address climate change led by Greta Thunberg, we wanted to hear from our young artists about how they view the idea of sustainability.  And how wonderful it has been to see the results!

The Festival judging team of Sid Robinson, Gulizar Cepoglu, Nigel Blackman and Louise Wood explained how the process had unfolded this year:

‘Each year our young artists surprise and delight us with their interpretations of our competition theme.

This year our theme of sustainability came from our young artists and so many of you have risen above the challenges of lockdown with imagination, fun and flair.

It has been a real pleasure to see every single one of the entries and to share a few of them with all of our Festival goers in our #VirtualDulwichFestival celebration.

Keep creating and see you all next year!’

The Children’s Art Competition has once again kindly been supported by R.Woodfall in Lordship Lane; this has been a long-established collaboration and one for which the Festival and many young artists have been most thankful.

Please take a look at the winners’ gallery here and if you or a young person you know, has an idea of what the theme should be for next year’s competition, then why not tweet your idea to us @dulwichfestival

The competition is over but if this has inspired you to produce your own artistic response to this year’s theme we would love to see what you have done; just photograph and tweet to us or post on Instagram and tag #dulwichfestival