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Festival Flash Fiction Competition 2020: Winning Entries


And the results are in! The winners of the inaugural Dulwich Festival Flash Fiction Competition have been announced, along with a further eight highly commended entries. The Festival was delighted to welcome author, blogger & book reviewer Alice Castle alongside poet, playwright & creative entrepreneur Nick Makoha and author & journalist, Marianne Kavanagh to form the judging panel. The panel felt that the quality of the approximately 80 entries was high and that the judging had been an extremely enjoyable process.

This inaugural Festival Flash Fiction competition was announced in February, with a call for short compelling stories with a maximum of 400 words and prizes for those who were placed. Highly commended stories would be at the judges’ discretion and happily the entries have revealed a clutch of such stories in addition to the placed entries.

1st Prize
Without Her by Celia Robertson

2nd Prize
Extract from the Unofficial Catalogue, Palace of Culture Museum, Cermalo, Upper Bohemia by James Kinase

3rd Prize
Weird Potato by Tricia Lowther

Settle yourself down and enjoy reading these wonderfully varied short stories including highly commended entries here

The Dulwich Festival Flash Fiction Competition will run again next year, so why not experiment with creating your own story in the meantime. Follow the Dulwich Festival on social media for more details.

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